Steam Car Seat Washing Machine

We have 100% antibacterial and hygienic cleaning in our car with steam car seat washing machine so that there is no dry place as needle tip. After complete detailed cleaning, you can take your car in peace.

Detailed Seat Cleaning

Steam Car Seat Washing Machine,The seats of your vehicle are cleaned and cleaned in detail. Pressurized steam removes bacteria, fungi, bytes, and other microbes, except for visible dirt only. 100% hygiene is provided.

Ceiling and Floor Cleaning

Steam Car Seat Washing Machine,All dirt and stains on the roof rug and floor carpet of your vehicle are cleaned using stains and various cleaning agents. No stains, dirt or bacteria can be stored in your vehicle.

Chest and Air Duct Cleaning

Steam Car Seat Washing Machine, Your car’s chest and air ducts are compressed to remove dirt. Vapor penetrates all of the air ducts and removes germs that cause bad odors due to temperature.

You don’t know what kind of germs and bacteria are in the car. We recommend that you take your car to a steamer where you buy a new car for your safety.

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